How to tie the slip D rig - How to tie a slip D rig

How to tie the Slip D rig - Carp rigs by Angling Iron

The Slip D rig is perfectly suited to using with a balanced bottom bait or wafter, the ‘D’ formed with supple braid on the back of the hook shank allows for great separation between the hook and hookbait making it a very tricky rig for carp to deal with.

The slip D rig - as it sits on the lakebed

What you'll need to tie the Slip D rig:

Some coated braid, a Semi stiff or Soft coated braid depending on the lakebed you’ll be fishing over. One of our Duropoint Anchor hooks in a size 4 or 5 along with one of our bait attachments, we'll be using a micro hook ring swivel but you can also use a rig ring screw or rig ring. You'll also want some of our large line aligners or 3:1 trans Khaki shrink tube if you’d rather.

Tools for the job:

Scissors, coated braid stripping tool, Knot puller and a lighter.

Duropoint Anchor hooks - the perfect hook for the Slip D rig

Duropoint Anchor hooks - the perfect hook for the Slip D rig


STEP ONE: Cut a length of your chosen coated braid, about 30cm will make a completed rig of around 6 inches in length and should be about right for most fishing situations.

How to tie the slip D rig - take a length of coated braid

STEP TWO: Using your coated braid stripping tool remove about 110mm of the coating from one end

remove around 11cm of coating with your braid stripping tool

STEP THREE: Now double over about 30mm of the exposed inner braid.

Double over around an inch of the exposed inner braid

STEP FOUR: Feed the doubled over section through the eye so that it exits at the back, don’t feed it all the way through though, just enough so that the loop will pass over the bend of the hook.

Duropoint Anchor - perfect for the Slip D rig

Feed the doubled over section through the eye so it exits at the back

how to tie the slip D rig

make sure you pass enough of the doubled over section through so it will pass over the bend of the hook

STEP FIVE: Take your chosen bait attachment and slip it onto the looped section like so

feed a micro hook ring swivel onto the doubled over section

STEP SIX: Now pass the loop around the bend of the hook and over the point until it is on the inside of the bend.

pass the doubled over section around the bend of the hook

And over the point so that it now sits inside the bend like so

STEP SEVEN: Adjust the loop so that the micro swivel is about opposite the barb of the hook as pictured here.

Adjust the doubled over section until the Micro hook ring swivel is about opposite the barb

STEP EIGHT: Trapping the loop and micro hook ring swivel in position, start to whip up the shank of the hook. Be careful to keep the doubled over section at the back of the shank whilst doing so, you might need to tweak it as you go along. Continue until you’ve whipped round the shank around eight or nine times.

Start to whip u the shank of the hook

How to tie the Slip D rig

Make around eight or nine turns up the hook shank

STEP NINE: Whilst trapping the whipping you’ve just done to prevent it unravelling pass the coated end of the hooklink through the back of the eye like so.

Pass the loose end back through the eye of the hook like so

STEP TEN: Pull the remaining hooklink through the eye and tighten down.

Pull the remaining hooklink through the eye and tighten

STEP ELEVEN: Now trim down the tag end and if it’s quite long, give it a lick with your lighter

Trim and blob the Tag end

STEP TWELVE: Take your large line aligner and feed it onto your hooklink, then moisten the eye of the hook and whipping with saliva before locating the line aligner.

Feed  large line aligner onto your coated braid

pull the aligner along the hooklink

moisten the whipping and locate the Line aligner

The line aligner is now Located

STEP THIRTEEN: Cut a 3 inch length of coated braid or nylon, feed it through the micro hook ring swivel and double it over so that both legs are roughly equal.

double over a short length of coated braid or nylon in the micro hook ring swivel

STEP FOURTEEN: Trap the ends of the doubled over section in the baiting needle and transfer your bait onto the loop. Slide it down and locate on the swivel.

Transfer your hookbait onto the doubled over section

 STEP FIFTEEN: Now light the tag ends until and use a wetted finger to blob the ends against your bait.

Light the tag ends

And blob them

All that’s left to do is to attach the finished rig to the appropriate swivel, or just tie an overhand loop so you can attach it at a later time.

The finished Slip D rig, ready to catch some big carp