Want to fish Zig rigs for Carp - Need a confidence boost?

Want to fish Zig rigs for Carp - Need a confidence boost?

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Confidence plays a big part in Zig fishing, having confidence in a small piece of coloured foam midwater can be difficult and can impact negatively on your Zig fishing. When you lack confidence you tend not to commit fully, and take a half hearted approach to the method which could result in you writing off zig's altogether. Whether you're new to using Zig rigs or are a seasoned Zig user why not try adding some movement to your zig rigs with Maggots! It could be a real confidence boost and whats' more carp love 'em!

Looking for a way to improve your Confidence in Zig rigs - maggots could be the answer

Give it a try it with one of our Size 8 Duropoint Chod hooks, a 10mm length of our 8mm 'STICKUMUP' Zig sticks, Maggots(you could also use Squats or Pinkies) and Some super glue.

STEP ONE)  Tie up a standard Zig rig using one of our Size 8 Duropoint Chod hooks and a 10mm Length of our 8mm diameter 'STICKUMUP' Zig foam, Secure the foam with a micro Hair stop. Apply a generous amount of Rig or Super glue to the top of the piece of Zig foam as below.

Take your standard Zig Rig and apply a generous amount of Rig or Suer glue to the top of the STICKUMUP Zig foam

STEP TWO) Take a maggot, Red, Yellow or Orange maggots contrast nicely with our Black foam. Hold the maggot very firmly, squeezing it to prevent it wriggling and apply the head end to the Super glue. Hold it securely until a bond is formed, fifteen seconds or so should do the job. 

Take a Maggot, hold it firmly between your thumb and forefinger, squeeze it to prevent it wriggling and hold it in the glue until it is secure

STEP THREE) Repeat the process with another couple of maggots, we think three is sufficient for a very effective Zig rig! Be careful not to get them stuck to your fingers!

Repeat the process, attatching another two maggots to the STICKUMUP zig foam

 STEP FOUR) Make sure your maggots are securely attached to the Zig foam, you may want to add a little more Glue just to make sure.

Three maggots attatched to your Zig rig - A real confidence boost and an edge that could help you land more Carp

STEP FIVE) Time to get fishing and Land some Zig caught Carp! With your maggots well and truly stuck to the Foam, your confidence in Zig's should have improved already, and the carp will certainly find them a lot more interesting too! 

Maggots can be a great addition to your Zig rig armoury

Our 8mm diameter 'STICKUMUP' Zig sticks are perfect for this when coupled with one of our incredibly sharp Size 8 Duropoint Chod hooks, a real winning combination.

Our 8mm diameter 'STICKUMUP' Zig foam sticks are perfect for this